

Single screen interactive photo exhibition (4m x 2.25) presented Spoleto Festival

A visit to an art gallery is usually an experience of moving in a world of still images, indifferent to where we move. What would it be like if the images were able to follow us? And what if sounds could do the same?
::Reflection is an interactive photo exhibition that allows images and sounds to follow the visitors, moving on the screen or from one speaker to another, as if there were a sort of reflection between them and the people. As people look at the screen, an image appears and follows them as they move around. Each observer creates a physical relationship with an image and a sound or melody. But the viewer also understands that their movements become part of a performance, watched by the other visitors.
Instead of sharing a single image with all the viewers, every individual has their own image and sound and so can create a personal relationship with the contents. At the same time other viewers are forming similiar relationships allowing you to enter a new world of perceptions.


Spoleto Festival, 2008


Terrazza sull’India“, Spoleto Festival 2008


concept, software, photographs and music: Paolo Scoppola

Paolo Scoppola Interactive Art - Via Cremera 8, 00198 Roma - P.IVA 11058011005 - 339 1625089 - contact@paoloscoppola.com - Privacy & Cookies Policy